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Call Girl? Or Answering God’s call?

You can’t go too far where God doesn’t know where to find you. You can’t get so deep that He can’t pick you up and turn you around.

“Fallen” was her alter ego. Sophisticated, strong, unshakeable and dissociated from Annie. A constant power rush, hefty bank account, dreams and plans, decked out in luxury boutique clothing, even important and special, she told herself. So fearless, confident, and in charge was Fallen that Annie sank deeper and deeper into oblivion. “Get on with yourself, Annie. Step aside so Fallen can get this money—she will handle everything just fine.” Fallen had the power. She had the control, but the tiny spark would soon be a roaring, uncontrollable fire that would destroy everything around her.

“It is my fault.

I am a bad girl.

God is angry with me.

I deserve this.

God is punishing me for my lifestyle.

It’s too late to leave. I will die here, trapped.”

Sometimes what seems to be a bad situation just turned worse is really God’s mercy. If He hems us in, and the only way out is up, we just might cry out like Annie “God, please help me. Heal me. Help.” When Christ delivers, He takes everything bad you’ve ever experienced and works it out in your favor. “God will redeem everything if we are willing to trust and believe in Him.”

“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.”—Martin Luther

“To all those who are still out there lost and looking for a way home. If you keep searching, you will find your way. Never give up.” Fallen: Out of the sex industry and into the arms of the Savior by Annie Lobert.